POR: Preview

The term “grandfather stories” can be used humourously to describe someone’s never ending narration of perhaps rather unentertaining, boring stories. It would sometimes begin with “Long before your time, in an ancient province in China…” which would no doubt begin an exodus of an audience as quickly as the Tan family in “Under One Roof” ( a 1994 hit TV Series in Singapore).

Or maybe not.

Patchworks- a special projects committee of the Welfare Services Club (WSC) of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is working on a project entitled “Patchwork Of Reminiscences”.

“Patchwork Of Reminiscences” (POR) is a collection of original short stories from Singaporean seniors from all walks of life, culminating in the publication of the short stories book for public sales. It is a 100% student-initiated project (from concept to writing to production) that intends to preserve a chapter of our elders’ inspiring, personal life stories and capture the essence of playing a part and observing Singapore’s development as a nation.

Some of them will tell happy stories. Some of them will tell tearful stories. Some of them will strike a chord in your heart. Some of them will remind you of the more important things in life. All of them, indeed, are genuine accounts from real seniors living now in Singapore.

They are not sharing their stories to profit monetarily from it. Neither will Patchworks. Proceeds from the book sales will be donated to needy beneficiaries that support our society’s elderly. However, profit we all will, as we gather to appreciate their contributions to Singapore, their nostalgic accounts, and their words of reflective history.

“Patchwork Of Reminiscences” is proudly supported by Nanyang Technological University, and the National Heritage Board has been kind to assist us. Some of you may have heard of “Patchwork Of Flavours”- a 38-recipe book containing recipes again contributed by our seniors. “Patchwork Of Flavours” is available at selected Kopitiams and Books Kinokuniya.

In the following weeks, Patchworks’ writers will pen their thoughts, and give insight into their interviews with the seniors via blog entries here. Do look out for them! You may also visit our website and blog for more updates.

We hope you will support this meaningful project by purchasing a copy of the book when it is launched (4th quarter 2009, details will be released later)!

Patchworks warmly welcomes you to enjoy a blend of intricate and intimate stories, beholding true accounts of perseverance and endurance- a patchwork of reminiscences!

Cross-posted from Yesterday.sg on 18th May 09.
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